The "joke" about this app is that you cant walk around... Meaning its purposely "fake"... Thats it... The joke is that you cant walk around.. Because its a fake virtual reality app... Its not a prank... Its not a pun or anything else... JUST a joke... Thats supposed to piss you off cuz you cant walk around... Dont give it bad reviews just because it didnt work on your device, which every app in the App Store doesnt work on every device... Thats just something you should know already... They are there, but they may or may not work if you have an older iPhone... And second of all... Its not meant to be a REAL virtual reality app/game... That is the joke if you didnt understand that already from playing the game or really thinking about what the joke of it all is
Garretta10 about
Helmet Virtual Reality 3D Joke